I’m beyond excited to share that I have joined the Oriana Lamarca Design team! For years I have sported not only her beautiful bracelets in almost every color, but earrings, and stylish purses from her brand as well.
Ive gotten friends and family just as obsessed as I am and the compliments are endless. Oriana and I met a few years ago in Red Bank and we had so much in common. We both loved fashion, sometimes showing up to places wearing the same thing LOL, both had the same value for family, and both had the same ideas when it came to having a good time. We instantly became close.
Oriana Is not just one of my close friends but has become part of my family. So when she told me she need someone, it was a no brainer to jump at this opportunity.
But let me backtrack to this past school year.
After coming back from maternity leave, I was so excited to come back to work to see the kids and my co workers but I walked into a different atmosphere. One with disconnect confusion, and exhaustion. My excitement turned to sadness and regret very quickly. I was sad that things were different, I regretted leaving Ari, and I started having anxiety. I felt like I was drowning at work, trying to be the best mom and wife and dealing with major life changes . ( both me and my husband getting covid , my mother in laws decline of health, and the pressure I put on my mom to watch Ari almost everyday) After having many days of panic attacks and crying. I made the very hard decision to leave my teaching position. I loved teaching which was one of my passions but I knew that for my family and mental health I needed to leave. That love and passion was gone and I knew the only way I could be the best mom, wife, friend,and family member was for me to be the best version of myself. When I accepted that I wasn’t going to go back to teaching next year a feeling of relief came over me. It’s like that pressure that was sitting on my chest was gone. It was hard making that decision. Teaching was what I went to school for. I loved my co workers, some that turned into really good friends. I loved the students and the reward you get being a teacher. But I needed to be home for Ari. This is where the career change happened.
As I sat on my moms couch crying my mom said “don’t you want to do something you love. If your not happy teaching anymore than maybe it’s time you step away. She said I can see you working for Oriana” . Obviously at the time I had no idea she needed anyone. After my mom said that my best friend Maria said the same thing. She goes “what if you worked for Oriana maybe she needs someone”. It’s funny how things work right. A week later I was in the Candy Shop ( Oriana’s Office) and I said to her if you ever need any help I’m not going back to teaching. She looked at me and was like I just put out a listing for a job. I need someone and here we are ! June 18th I drove out of the parking lot on the last day of school with a tears in my eyes thinking about all the memories I had at that school and June 21st I drove into the Candy Shop excited for all the amazing things to come. I’ve been working at Oriana Lamarca Designs for little over a month now and honestly I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been. This job was meant for me. I love fashion and design (obviously everyone knows that ). Working with customers fashion choices, bringing ideas to the table to benefit the brand and having an amazing boss that understands the importance of family is a benefit.
I have honestly been so blessed. Blessed to have this amazing opportunity to work for Oriana. Blessed to have an amazing husband who is my biggest supporter who not only helped me when I felt like I was drowning but also supported my decision to leave teaching.
He is my biggest fan so when I told him about working for Oriana he told me DO IT! I am so lucky to have him in my life and the endless support that he gives me. Another blessing I have around me are my family and friends . My family and friends who when I told them I was leaving teaching and the sadness I had, came over with champagne and ice cream. That called me to check on me daily to make sure I was okay, and gave me amazing advice. Who celebrated and were super happy that I was working for Oriana!
I’m excited for the many things that will come with working for Oriana Lamarca Design and I’m excited to show all of you! If this can teach you anything I hope it teaches you to do something that makes you happy. That sometimes things happen for a reason and you can do anything that you want as long as you Dream it, Want it, Believe it, and Manifest it.
Website for Oriana Lamarca Design
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